So, of course, despite allll the interesting things I have going on, I tell my husband this story with the addition of my conclusion- that Gary must have Diverticulitis. My loving man say, oh yeah, probably. I say, do you even know what diverticulitius is? I'm not sure, actually. What the hell is it? He says, I have not idea. I've only heard of it when you came home and told me you had it.
I had it? Oh.
Well, still, that doesn't answer what it is. But it does beg a lot of other questions. And, the observation that I must have been seriously ill to diagnose my self with a disease that I don't know what is or remember now having.
I am pretty sure, (which is not very at all) that I was diverticulited (that's medical language, I am sure) when I ate popcorn everyday for two months.
The good news is I am healed.
Also, we have had a nice, but late tomato crop. Albeit seedy.
Carry on good soldiers.
Peace and love to you.
Non-diverticulitusited Candace
In the beginning.... |