The Art of Laughter

The Art of Laughter

I enjoy laughing- myself and I love the sound of another's genuine laughter.  Especially that of children.  A child's laugh is music to my ears, joy to my heart and serotonin for the rest of me.

Laughter wasn't necessarily something I grew up with, tho.  When I was very young, as young as I remember, being 3-5 or so at best, my mom worked a lot and had the typical struggles of a single mother trying to raise a kid and have a social life while working two jobs.  Good luck, right?

After that she had an unhappy marriage and I had a home life that was devoid of laughter.  I was challenged a lot by her husband and learned to debate and stand up for my beliefs, right, wrong or otherwise.  That was probably also the beginning of my love of reason and argument and principle.  All things I am grateful for and glad to have as a part of myself.  They are inherently who I am- who I have become as a person.

While the constant demand to rationalize any and ALL of my opinions from the ages of 6-14 begrudgingly made me into a better person, laughter wasn't a skill we practiced regularly.  Happy debates and jostling these "discussions" were not.

Reason and logic are perhaps most probably what make the world literally go round, but the music that spin makes must truly be the sound of an innocent laugh.  The music of the world, the sound of the universe, is what I wish to be the sound track of my children's lives.

Laughter isn't first nature to me, which poses a problem in my ideal setting, you see.  I've learned gratitude and thankfulness, at least to some degree.  I'm working on many other things, included, most importantly, is the art of laughter.

I don't know what my previous restraint was- did something deserve my laughter?  was it worthy?  is "exhibit A" something I should laugh at?  was that really funny?  I think tho, that so long as you aren't rejoicing at another's misfortune / pain, and IT IS possible to laugh or giggle or at very least grin fully (with eye contact when possible) then that is, of course, most reasonably the best course of action.

 So, I consciously try to laugh.  In our home.  I want my kids to remember having laughter and jokes and joy in a vocal, verbal and giggly sense in their own home.  It's easy to laugh among strangers but to bring true, easy joy into one's home is a gift of the highest nature.


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